
MB&B 394  Advanced Laboratory in Molecular Biology and Genetics

This course is designed to familiarize students with current research techniques in molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics. A variety of methods and approaches will be applied in a series of short projects, primarily using E. coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (budding yeast) as model systems. Students will gain hands-on experience employing recombinant DNA, microbiology, protein biochemistry, and other methods to answer basic research questions. This course provides excellent preparation for students planning to conduct independent research at the undergraduate level (MB&B401/402) and beyond.

MB&B 306  Epigenetics

Different traits observable in cells or organisms can typically be attributed to variations in DNA. However, a large number of permanent and heritable variation occurs in the absence of changes to DNA sequence. Such epigenetic mechanisms explain a variety of disparate observations, including the ability of a zygote to develop into dozens of distinct cell types in multicellular organisms using one common DNA blueprint, the observation that grandchildren of individuals subject to famine have higher rates of metabolic defects, and the ability of neurons to mediate formation of long-term memories. In this course we will use a variety of examples from cell biology and genetics to examine the template-dependent processes governing the perpetuation of discrete phenotypes. Topics will include the molecular biology of prions (infectious proteins) and environment-induced alterations in gene expression that may be transmitted to offspring.

MB&B 181 Principles of Biology I: Cell Biology and Molecular Basis of Heredity

This course presents an exploration of the contemporary view of the cell and an introduction to the molecules and mechanisms of genetics and gene function. The course will have two major themes. First, we will focus on the central dogma of molecular biology, describing the process of information transfer from genetic code in DNA through protein synthesis and function. Topics include DNA replication and repair, chromosome dynamics, RNA transcription, protein translation, gene regulation, and genomics. Second, we will focus on cell theory and the underlying molecular mechanisms of cellular activity, including cell signaling, energetics, cell motility, and cell cycling. Lectures will stress the experimental basis of conclusions presented and highlight important details and major themes. The course will also emphasize problem solving approaches in cell and molecular biology. The course will use software to ensure academic integrity. This course will require about 10 hours per week of engagement. Students should enroll separately in MB&B/BIOL191 Principles of Biology 1 – Laboratory.

MB&B 209 Research Frontiers in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

This course of weekly discussions of current research is for students who have completed the MB&B or BIOL introductory series. Discussions will be informal in nature and cover topics of current interest in molecular biology and biochemistry, emphasizing possibilities for future research areas for the students.


MB&B 181, Fall 2020